It is a well-known fact,[1] that one of these animals, who
was slower than usual in learning what was taught him, and
had been frequently chastised with blows, was found conning
over his lesson in the night-time.[2] It is a most surprising
thing also, that the elephant is able not only to walk up the
tight-rope backwards; but to come down it as well, with the
head foremost.[3] Mutianus, who was three times consul, informs us that one of these animals had been taught to trace
the Greek letters, and that he used to write in that language
the following words: "I have myself written these words, and
have dedicated the Celtic spoils."[4] Mutianus states also,
that he himself was witness to the fact, that when some elephants were being landed at Puteoli[5] and were compelled to
leave the ship, being terrified at the length of the platform,
which extended from the vessel to the shore, they walked backwards, in order to deceive themselves by forming a false estimate of the distance.